Conceptual Science and Beyond: General Chemistry (Senior High School – STEM)


Senior High School

Conceptual Science and Beyond (General Chemistry 1) enriches the learners’ understanding of the basic concepts in chemistry, such as the composition, structure, and properties of matter; and its quantitative principles, kinetics, and transformations. Situational problem exercises are included to help learners apply their knowledge of chemistry in real life.


Mary Sheenalyn P. Rodil, Ph.D.

Grounding on the concepts discussed in General Chemistry 1, Conceptual Science and Beyond (General Chemistry 2) leads the students to explore the intricacies of intermolecular forces, thermochemistry, chemical kinetics, and acid-base and salt equilibria, among others. The lessons include exercises where students can apply their knowledge of chemistry in real-life situations.


Mary Sheenalyn P. Rodil, Ph.D.
Ceazar Ryan U. Cuarto


Additional information


1, 2, 1 (e-book), 2 (e-book), 1 (teacher's guide), 2 (teacher's guide)