What methods have you discovered to help you balance your increased workload with your personal life?
Certain methods I’ve tried out to handle my seemingly increased workload include having a regular exercise regimen, which aids in producing endorphins (aka the “happy hormones”). I’ve been enjoying high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout videos by Chloe Ting on YouTube. Yoga seems very interesting to me as well. Yoga with Adrienne is another YouTube channel I’ve been following for quite some time now. I have also tried watching a new Korean drama on Netflix, which is something I wouldn’t normally do.
Moreover, I have been spending a lot more time in the kitchen, trying out new recipes and whipping up dishes for the family to enjoy. Of course, I do all these things while following a particular schedule since I “report” to work from 8:00 AM to around 4:30 PM. During this time, I have to be available to accomplish several tasks and coordinate with my colleagues online.
What benefits have you discovered in the digital learning model for yourself and other members of the institution?
I have discovered that having access to online materials and being able to connect with different people using various platforms—all of which can be done from the comforts our home—is truly a privilege. We must remember that not all students, teachers, and employees have the same opportunities, which is why we have to learn to become more sensitive to each other’s needs, know how to make compromises, and be able to adjust accordingly based on specific situations you find yourself in.
These are tough times; but tough times make even stronger people, sharper minds, and more resilient souls.